

UPDATE (13/01): Dear friends, order fulfilment will slow down from today till mid-February as the K-DNA team goes on their Lunar New Year break. Any orders after this date (15/01) containing clothes will only ship after the Lunar New Year break (depending on which warehouse is handling the dispatch). Other items such as photo cards, accessories, dolls, etc. should continue shipping out at the usual frequency for another week or so. After which, all our warehouses will pause production till mid-February. We will resume our usual processing and dispatch speed by late-February. Please contact us at if you have any questions and/or require your order expedited. We'll try our best. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 💜



K-DNA is a worldwide brand and we are very proud to offer worldwide shipping services all over the world. Our goal is to bring items you love to your doorsteps through our secure and reliable carrier partners worldwide. We will continue to strive to meet all the needs of our customers through value-added customer service and delivering top-quality items worldwide.

We are proud to offer international shipping services. However, there are some locations we are unable to ship to. If you happen to be from one of those countries, we will contact you.


Shipping time varies by location. These are our estimates:


*Estimated Shipping Time

United States

10-30 Business days

Canada, Europe

10-25 Business days

Australia, New Zealand

10-30 Business days

Mexico, Central America, South America

15-30 Business days


10-30 Business days


15-45 Business days


*This does not include our 1- to 7-working day(s) processing time. Please be aware that shipping is likely to be slightly delayed due to the COVID-19 situation, and situations can vary from country to country. Please contact us at if you have any questions.


You will receive an email with a tracking number once your order is shipped. If you have any other questions, please contact us and we will do our best to help you out.


In the event that your parcel does not reach you and is returned to us for reasons that are not the responsibility of our store (e.g. customer submitted the wrong shipping address, multiple failed delivery attempts despite us informing you to contact your local dispatch), customers will be charged a re-shipment fee depending on the item(s) to be re-shipped. This generally ranges from USD$5 to USD$30 depending on the weight of the item(s).

If you do not wish to re-ship the parcel, no refund will be given, as our store has already paid for the products and absorbed the initial shipping cost. In exceptional situations, we may allow for a partial refund.